Welcome To Bradelinas

Helping each other can make our world better

Be involve and experience the reward of helping other people.  Discover their dreams, aspirations, and engage professionals to learn practical and achievable goals and forever change the lives of the people you touch.

Our Mission

To accelerate the reduction of extreme poverty and reverse the polarizing effect of social media by facts and to restore trust thru facts, community dialog, feeding and medical missions, help community learning centers, and setting feedback mechanisms for the underprivilege community.

Our Vision

To have a better and caring community.

Latest Causes

Kindly pick subjects your heart desires to give your assistance.

Join the community and change the lives of the people you meet.

Join Our Community

Join the community to help in our programs.

By joining, you can select various causes and programs that will match your skills, interests, and resources that will have greater impact to the community and the people you meet.

Community Service

Medical and Dental Missions

Education and Feeding Program

Support for Charitable Institutions

Gathering of Donations and Distribution

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