
Simple Donation (Quickest way to give your donations using your cellphone – US Dollar only)

Specific Cause (Specify what cause you want to donate for US Citizen/Green Card, Multi-Currency)

Golf Tournament (Payment for Golf Tournament Events) 

We Need Your Donations for

Sending Books:

Your Donations will cover for the shipping cost of Kindness Mentality and Bradelinas Foundation for Books gathered here in the US to the remote places in the Philippines.


Your Donations will cover for the shipping, Storage, and Distribution of T-Shirts and Printers to Remote Places in the Philippines.

Assistance to Volunteers:

Your Donation will cover the transportation expenses of Volunteers going to the remote places in the Philippines.


Your Donation will help the Organizers setup makeshift classroom in underprivilege community and the initial assessments on the students.

DIWA Learning Center:

Your Donation will help fund the kitchen to provide hot meals to the preschoolers.

Children’s Home:

Your Donations will cover for the twice a year replacement of underwear for these abandoned children.

Projects That Needs Your Help